Szigetszentmiklós / Hungary On October 30, 2021, the Hungarian Open Grand Prix 2021 took place, which is classified as a nominational competition for the European Cadet, Junior and U21 2022 Championships in Prague. 5 trustees of the Karate club IGLOW Spišská Nová Ves also took part in this tournament. A total of 469 competitors from 58…

Euro Grand Prix Pilsen

On 30. – 31.10. In 2021, the Euro Grand Prix – Pilsen tournament was held, which was included as a nominational competition for the kumite (seniors) and kata (men, women – shortlist) national teams for the 2021 World Seniors Championships in Dubai and for the kumite (U21) national teams. nominated for the European Cadet, Junior…

Budapest Open 2021

On September 11-12, 2021, an international competition was held in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, which was also attended by athletes from the Karate Club IGLOW Spišská nová Ves. This global competition was attended by almost one thousand eight hundred karate athletes from thirty-four countries, which also included karate athletes from the IGLOW Karate Club…