Szigetszentmiklós / Hungary
On October 30, 2021, the Hungarian Open Grand Prix 2021 took place, which is classified as a nominational competition for the European Cadet, Junior and U21 2022 Championships in Prague.
5 trustees of the Karate club IGLOW Spišská Nová Ves also took part in this tournament.
A total of 469 competitors from 58 divisions and 14 countries from all over the world took part in this international competition.
Our five trustees won 2 silver medals.
The results:
Dominik Kešeľak
KUMITE juniors – 76kg 2. .. 2nd place
KUMITE U21 – 75kg …………………………………… .. 2nd place
Krivda Marek
KUMITE cadets – 52kg 5. .. 5th place
Antoš Dominik
KUMITE 12 -13 years – 50kg ………………………… 5th place